Monday, October 27, 2014

Group Word Document


Caleb Cooper
Allie Bailey
Kayla Sasser
October 28, 2014
Intro to Computers
Block 2

Toy Story 3
            Our group members consist of Kayla Sasser, Caleb Cooper, and Allie Bailey. We are all freshmen attending University Academy of Cenla. Each one of us are between the ages 14-15. However, we all have our own personalities and slight differences. One of Kayla’s interests includes playing the guitar, Caleb likes to watch TV, play on his tablet, and go to his grandmother’s house, and Allie enjoys riding horses and photography. Despite their differences, Caleb, Allie, and Kayla all have one similar interest. This interest is watching the movie Toy Story 3.
            Toy Story 3 is about how the toys are mistakenly delivered to a day-care center instead of the attic right before Andy leaves for college, and it's up to Woody to convince the other toys that they weren't abandoned and to return home.
            The protagonists of the story include Woody the Cowboy, Buzz Light-year, and Jessie the Cowgirl. Woody had a markedly more distasteful personality; having the character of one whom had let his role as "leader" go to his head and had little compassion towards his peers. One notable example of this from the original script is that Woody actually throws Buzz out the window on purpose, and doesn't care one bit over what had happened or what the other toys thought of the incident, even saying in a casual tone that it was a "toy-eat-toy world" when accused of doing so. He also proceeded to heavily insult the toys, especially Slinky, during this time, which resulted in all of them turning on him. This poor choice in characterization for Woody had been forced upon Pixar by then-Disney Chairman Jeffrey Katzenberg due to the latter wanting more of an adult, cynical, edginess to the story, resulting in Woody becoming jealous, sarcastic, belligerent, and mean toward Buzz and the other toys.
Buzz is a universal space ranger from the Intergalactic Alliance and is stationed in the Gamma Quadrant of Sector 4. He is the captain of the Alliance's team. Light-year is known for his bravery and courage. Buzz believes that following rules are the way people should live their life. There are rare moments when Buzz will bend the rules or tell a cover story if he needs to when he knows it is the right thing to do. Though a great leader, at times he can be rather unemotional, one of his biggest character flaws.  
            Jessie is an excitable and beautiful cowgirl doll. She likes being loved by any other child and has the power to yodel. She hates being in storage -- as it makes her claustrophobic -- and not having someone to love her.


We enjoyed working on this blog together. We all have a love for the series Toy story. When we were thinking about what to do our blog on we happily chose Toy Story 3. It was a fun topic to write on. Toy Story 3 will probably be our favorite Pixar movie for a long time. This was a fun project we were able to work on. What a better way than to do it with you best friends. This blog definitely wasn’t easy but it was all worth it in the end.

A Picture of Us

Conflict and Resolution

The conflict element in a story, in other words, is the problem. In the movie, Toy Story 3, there is an internal conflict between the toys and an external conflict they are going through. They are attempting to resolve both. The internal conflict is the toys getting over Andy not needing them. Now that Andy is going off to college, he doesn’t have room to bring his toys or time to play with them. The external conflict in the story is that the toys are trying to escape the Day Care Center because the "leader", Lotso, toy was evil and turned against Andy’s toys. However, both internal and external conflicts were resolved by the end of the story. By the end of the story, the toys eventually escaped the daycare center where they were held captive. After getting out, the toys return to Andy's room, and Woody climbs into the box with Andy's college supplies, while the other toys ready themselves for the attic. Woody leaves a note for Andy and Andy, thinking the note is from his mother, takes them to Bonnie's house and introduces her to his old toys. To Andy's surprise, Woody is at the bottom of the box. Though hesitant at first, Andy passes him on to Bonnie, and then plays with her before leaving. The toys’ internal conflict is resolved by them knowing that Andy still cares about them, and instead of putting them in the attic to collect dust, he gives them to a little girl that will play with them. 


Dolly is a one of the toys owned by Bonnie. She is a soft dress-up rag doll with purple hair, googly eyes and gently blushing cheeks. Dolly also comes with her own templates for creating and sewing different outfits. She is about 8.25 inches tall. And she first appearance in Bonnie room's shelves and Bonnie call her is wizard when Bonnie play with her. When Dolly learns Woody's name, she asks if he's gonna "stick with that." She has shown to be sassy, and apparently the brains of of Bonnie's Toys as she was the only one not dense enough to misread "Andy" when Woody holds his boot upside down. In the end credits, she shows the toys drawings Bonnie has made for all of her toys, including the ones handed to her from Andy, and tells Chuckles that Bonnie got his smile right, making Chuckles smile for the first time ever since.


Trixie is a blue toy triceratops who appears to be of the same toy line as Rex. She is one of the toys owned by Bonnie. She usually chats online with someone who goes by the name "Velocistar237" She is somewhat scatterbrained and very zany. She helps Woody find his way back to Sunnyside. In the credits, she is seen to have become close friends with Rex, as they are often seen together and playing on the computer together. Trixie is first seen after Woody was taken to Bonnie's house by Bonnie, who, having just returned home from Sunnyside Daycare and places him with her toys for a tea party. She helped Woody determine the distance and route path between Bonnie's House and Andy's house when she receives an IM. Trixie has been instant-messaging someone named Velocistar237, who has left a message saying, "U there? I made it 2 the Dark Fortress!!" When Woody asks about this, she quickly exits it out saying that it is just a dinosaur down the street and nothing important. In the end credits, Trixie becomes close friends with Rex after the latter is donated to Bonnie by Andy. During the credits, the two dinosaur toys are seen playing a video game on a computer in one scene. 

Falling Action

The falling action occurs right after the climax. It is what happens after the main problem of the story has been solved. In Toy Story 3, the falling action occurs when in Andy's room, Woody climbs into the box with Andy's college supplies, while the other toys ready themselves for the attic. Then, Woody leaves a note for Andy and Andy, thinking the note is from his mother, takes them to Bonnie's house and introduces her to his old toys. Bonnie recognizes Woody who, to Andy's surprise, is at the bottom of the box. Though hesitant at first, Andy passes him on to Bonnie, and then plays with her before leaving. Sadly, Woody and the other toys watch Andy's departure before beginning their new lives with Bonnie.

Molly Davis

Molly Davis is the pretty little sister of Andy. Like her brother, she ages between each of her appearances. She appears as an infant in Toy Story, as an adorable toddler in Toy Story 2 and as a lovely pre-teen in Toy Story 3. In Toy Story 3, she was voiced by Beatrice Miller. Molly makes her final appearance in Toy Story 3, where she is somewhere between 10–13 years old. She is first seen in Andy's room laughing because Andy still has his old toys but is lectured by both Andy and her mom. She then decides to donate many of her things, including Barbie to Sunnyside Daycare, and listens to music while reading a Tween magazine. She is then seen at the end saying to Andy, "Aren't you going to say goodbye to Buster?"


The climax of a story is the highest or most intense point in the development or resolution. Although there were many different high points and “on-the-edge-of-your-seat” moments in Toy Story 3, there is one scene that was most intense. The climax in Toy Story 3 was when the toys were thrown in the incinerator, and agreed to accept their fate. Right before accepting their fate, Woody and Buzz help Lotso reach an emergency stop button, only for Lotso to abandon them. Then, thinking that the end is near, the toys accept their fate, but are rescued by the Aliens operating an industrial claw. Lotso escapes, but a garbage truck driver finds him and straps him to his truck's radiator grill.

The Green Army Men

The Green Army Men were Andy's 200 miniature green plastic soldiers, led by Sarge. They are set in particular positions and stuck to bases and are stored in a bucket labeled Bucket O Soldiers. The soldiers are quite disciplined with a "Leave no man behind" policy and are masters of reconnaissance. Woody describes them as "professionals." In Toy Story 3, the Green Army Men are seen during old home videos and a photo with Andy playing with them like he normally did. Now, only three are left, Sarge and the two paratroopers. They try to help the rest of Andy's remaining toys get played with in Operation Playtime by taking a phone into Andy's toy box so Andy will have to face his old toys again. After this fails, the Green Army Men realize that Andy has finally grown up, and since he's cleaning up his room before going to college, they parachute out the window. This scares Andy's toys even more, bringing up the possibility of being thrown out. After the toys have a final "staff meeting," one of the paratroopers reveals that the other Green Army Men have been thrown away over the years.

Rising Action

In the rising action is a series of related incidents that build toward the point of greatest interest. The rising action of a story is the series of events that begin immediately after the exposition (introduction) of the story and builds up to the climax. Toy Story 3 has five main important rising action elements. The first includes when Andy's toys are welcomed by the other toys at Sunnyside, and are given a tour of the seemingly perfect play-setting by Lots-O'-Huggin' Bear (simply known as Lotso). Another important rising action element when all of the toys choose to stay, except Woody, who attempts to return to Andy. Woody is found by Bonnie, one of the Sunnyside students. She takes Woody home and plays with him along with her other toys, which are well-treated. At Sunnyside, a group of toddlers play rough with Andy's toys. These sequence of events lead to Buzz asking Lotso to have them moved to the older children's room, but is captured. Lotso, who controls Sunnyside with an iron fist, reveals he sends new toys to distract the toddlers to keep him and his henchmen safe, not caring whether the toys are broken in the process. Seeing promise in Buzz, he resets him to his original space ranger persona, resetting his memory. At the same time, Mrs. Potato Head (who accidentally left one of her eyes at Andy's house) sees Andy searching for the toys and convinces the toys that Woody told the truth. But before they can leave, Andy's toys are imprisoned by Lotso's gang. Then, with a plot twist and change of character, the final and most shocking scene takes place: The toys reach a dumpster, but are caught by Lotso and his gang. As a garbage truck approaches, Woody reveals what he learned about Lotso. Lotso says that he now thinks toys are meant to be discarded, leading an enraged Big Baby to throw Lotso into the dumpster. Lotso pulls Woody into the dumpster just as the truck collects the trash. Woody's friends fall into the back of the truck while trying to rescue him.

Introduction to the Story

Toy Story 3 is the third film in the Toy Story series. The plot focuses on the toys Woody, Buzz Lightyear, and their friends dealing with an uncertain future as their owner, Andy, prepares to leave for college. Andy, now 17 years old, is about to leave for college, and his toys have not been played with for years. He intends to take only Woody with him to college, and puts Buzz Lightyear, Jessie and the other toys in a bag to be stored in the attic. Andy's mother mistakenly takes the bag to the curb for garbage pickup. The toys escape and, believing Andy intended to throw them away, decide to climb in a donation box with Barbie bound for Sunnyside Daycare. Woody follows them and tries to explain the mistake, but they refuse to believe him.


When Daisy had owned him, Chuckles was once happy. Ever since Lotso became evil and took over Sunnyside, he became down, brokenhearted and depressed. At the end of Toy Story 3, when he sees the picture that Bonnie (his current owner) drew for him, the clown smiles for the very first time in years. Before the events of Toy Story 3, Chuckles was owned by Daisy and it seemed he wore a constant smile. He was also a witness to see Lots-o'-Huggin' Bear, or Lotso for short, being unwrapped by Daisy during Christmas. The fact that Lotso being Daisy's favorite failed to slip past Chuckles' eyes because Chuckles claimed that he never saw a toy being more loved by any other kid. He was also a very good friend to Big Baby and Lotso during the time of being under Daisy's ownership.


Ken is one of the toys from Sunnyside Daycare. He appears to be Lotso's 2nd in command, but is considered a weakling and constantly teased by the other toys.Ken loves fashion, dance and bright colors just as much as his girlfriend Barbie. He resents being called a "girl's toy," as a human male might have with their masculinity being put into question. He also rather dislikes attention being drawn to the fact that he's essentially an accessory to Barbie. Ken is first introduced when his master, Lotso tells him that Andy's toys have arrived. Shortly afterwards, Ken catches sight of Molly's old Barbie doll and falls in love with her. Little do Barbie and Andy's toys know that Ken is allied to Lotso as one of his henchmen.

The Back Story Behind Lots-o's Anger

Big Baby, along with Lotso and Chuckles, was once owned by a young girl named Daisy, as was revealed to Woody by Chuckles himself. Among them all, Lotso was the most special to her. One day, during a break at a rest stop, she was playing with her toys when she stopped to have some lunch, after which she fell asleep and forgot them there. They waited day in and day out for her to return to them, but on one rainy day, they decided to make the journey back to her house when she didn't come back for them; however, upon arriving, Lotso glimpsed through the window at her playing with a bear identical to him. Angered that she had replaced him, he then convinced Big Baby that they all had been replaced and that she no longer loved him, as well as intimidated Chuckles into remaining silent as to the truth. They then hitched a ride on the back of a Pizza Planet truck before being thrown off by a bump in the road and landing in front of Sunnyside Daycare, which Lotso proceeded to take over using Big Baby as his enforcer, due to his considerable size in comparison to the other toys.

Big Baby

Big Baby is a big and strong baby doll with a broken eye. He is the biggest and strongest toy at Sunnyside Daycare. He carries a bottle of milk around and is adorned with childlike scribbles that resembles tattoos. He doesn't talk; he only communicates with baby sounds. He is first seen coming out of the bathroom door after Lotso knocks. He is later seen restraining Buzz Lightyear after he escapes from the Caterpillar Room and throwing Mr. Potato Head into "The Box" and shutting him in twice. However, as soon as Woody tells him about Daisy, and after Lotso smashes the pendant that Daisy gave him and pokes him in the stomach, he throws him into the dumpster and reforms.

Lots-o'-Huggin' Bear

Lotso came across the toys' well being and at first seemed caring, welcoming, friendly, and possessed all of the good qualities of the stereotypical soft teddy bear. This was further emphasized by his strawberry aroma and his hugging of Buzz Lightyear when the toys first arrived at Sunnyside Daycare. He even went so far as to "promise" the toys that different kids at the daycare center would continue to play with them and that they would never feel unloved or rejected. However, this facade merely concealed his true nature later in the film. Lotso's true colors revealed him to be a dark, sadistic, conniving, selfish, rage-driven tyrant and prison warden, ruling Sunnyside with an iron fist and imprisoning new toys in the Caterpillar Room to test their ability to endure the abuse of the reckless and destructive children there. This nature was mostly brought about from his perceived betrayal from Daisy. However, he was considered to be a kind-hearted friend to both Chuckles and Big Baby before they were accidentally abandoned and subsequently replaced. Due to his painful past, Lotso possessed a negative philosophy about being a toy, believing toys to be nothing special and originally made for future disposal.

Little Bo Peep

Bo Peep is a beautiful, sweet, and lovable porcelain shepherdess figurine. She is inspired by character of the classic children's nursery rhyme Little Bo-Peep. Bo is sometimes considered to be "Andy's toy", because Andy likes to make her the damsel in distress of his plays. Bo is the romantic interest (later girlfriend) of Woody, providing a calm and loving comfort whenever he is overwhelmed. She is noted for using her shepherdess crook to hook her cowboy and bring him closer in a romantic way. In private, she is a great deal more daring with her words and actions, which Woody seems to be quite fond of. Bo wears a light pink dress in the movies. Along with her light pink hat she has golden blonde hair. 

Friday, October 24, 2014

Slinky Dog

Slinky Dog, better known as Slinky and often called Slink (or Slinkykins by Hamm) is one of the protagonists in the Toy Story series. He is a toy dachshund with a graveled Southern accent. Slinky's head, feet, and tail are plastic and he is missing his pull string. Slinky is One-Eyed Bart's "Attack Dog with a Built-in Force Field" and protects the bad guys with his shield in Andy's western play sequence. Slinky also has a green collar. Slinky Dog is based on Slinky, a pull toy by James Industries, which was popular in the 1950s, 1960s and early 1970s. With the permission of James Industries, Slinky Dog was partially redesigned for the film by Pixar artist Bud Luckey to make him more appealing as an animated character. In Toy Story 3, Slinky has a smaller role compared to the previous two films. He is the only original character that had to be re-cast (due to Jim Varney's death), and was replaced by Blake Clark in this film.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014


Rex is a large green plastic Tyrannosaurus Rex. Despite being played with as a ferocious Tyrannosaurus Rex, Rex is gentle, kind and hates any kind of argument or confrontation. He lacks intelligence and is extremely trusting and carefree, and usually enthusiastic about anything and everything. His greatest fear is that he will be replaced or abandoned. Rex has a childlike demeanor and lack of self-confidence. Rex is the most innocent of all the toys and shows the greatest desire to be loved and played with. He also has a fear of other dinosaurs, but this is eventually overcome.


Jessie is slender and fair-skinned in plastic. She has green eyes, hair made from red yarn with a ponytail in braids and a yellow ribbon that has tied to the bottom of her ponytail. Jessie is an excitable and beautiful cowgirl doll. She likes being loved by any other child and has the power to yodel. She hates being in storage because it makes her claustrophobic. Jessie cannot not having someone to love her. Jessie also rides a horse Bull’s-eye. 


Some degree of a Barbie's personality is clarified by the outfit that she wears and the method in which she played with by her owner. Barbie loves fashion, make-up and partying. She overly happy and energetic, and is almost always seen smiling. Furthermore, she has a consistently positive and optimistic outlook on life. Barbie did not appear in the first toy story. Mattel was afraid that the movie wouldn't be successful. When the makers of Barbie saw that the first toy story was a success they allowed the makers to include her in their movies. By the third movie Barbie played a lead role.

Mr. Potato Head

Mr. Potato Head is potato-shaped toy, his patented design allows him to separate his detachable parts from his body by removing them from the holes on his body. He also has a compartment on his lower back to store extra appendages. He is the only toy shown to be capable of retaining control over his parts even if they are several centimeters/inches away from his main body, most likely because his toy is designed to be taken apart, unlike many other types of toys. For example, he can still see if his detachable eyes are removed, as well as being able to move his hands and legs if they are detached. Mr. Potato Head is a rather cynical Mr. Potato Head doll, of the common design of PlaySkool. Andy often casts him as a villain in his games, which seems to be the reason he can be so cynical and irritable, being cast as the bad guy so often.

Buzz Lightyear

Buzz is a universal space ranger from the Intergalactic Alliance and is stationed in the Gamma Quadrant of Sector 4. He is the captain of the Alliance's team. Light-year is known for his bravery and courage. Buzz believes that following rules are the way people should live their life. There are rare moments when Buzz will bend the rules or tell a cover story if he needs to when he knows it is the right thing to do. Though a great leader, at times he can be rather unemotional, one of his biggest character flaws. One of Buzz Lightyear's famous quotes is “To Infinity and Beyond.”

Sheriff Woody Pride

Sheriff Woody Pride is the main Character in Disney/Pixar's Toy Story series. In the film series, he is voiced by Tom Hanks. He is a vintage cowboy doll from the 1950s who belongs to a boy named Andy Davis. Within the universe of the Toy Story films, Woody is a toy based on a character of the same name from a 1950's children's TV series called Woody's Roundup. Woody is basically the leader of the group of toys. He shows the other toys compassion whenever they get sad. He found out that it was by accident that the toys got put into the donation box, and that they were meant to be put in the attic.

The Characters

The cast main cast of Toy Story 3 are Woody, Buzz, Andy, Lotso, Mr. Potato Head, ken, Rex, Jessie, and Barbie. All of the characters are toys except for Andy. They have all been a part of Andy’s life since he was just a kid. In toy Story 3, it is time for Andy to go off to college. Andy had to clean out his room so that he could move to his dorm. He put his toys in the box to go to the attic but instead they get put in the donation box on accident. The rest of the movie is about their life at the daycare they got donated to.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Introduction to Our Blog

We chose to do our blog based on the movie Toy Story 3. Toy Story 3 is a movie made by Disney in 2010.  Toy Story 3 is the 3rd movie after the original Toy Story and Toy Story 2. Toy Story 3 is a movie that we all enjoyed to watch as a kid. We all grew up watching the original Toy Story and Toy Story 2. We were all very excited when Toy Story 3 came out. Out of the Three, Toy Story 3 is by far all of our favorite.


In our group, we have Kayla Sasser, Caleb Cooper, and Allie Bailey. We are freshmen at University Academy. Our school is located on a college campus. We are all either 14 or 15 years old. Kayla likes to play the guitar. Caleb likes to watch TV, play on his tablet, and go to his grandmother’s house. Allie enjoys riding horses.